Time Again for MORE Truth about some Internet Sourced Cartridges

Time AGAIN for the MORE Truth About Some Internet Sourced Cartridges


A remanufactured printer cartridge is made from a recycled OEM cartridge.  Do these cartridges look identical to you? Click here.          

Have you ever wondered if the "remanufactured" or "alternative" printer cartridges you buy are truly remanufactured? Well, I did...so I decided to do a little research and placed my next order. In this video, I document my experience with these HP 305 printer cartridges that make the claim they are "remanufactured." Watch the video to see how things unfold.

Remanufactured cartridges are made of a reused original cartridge. These fake "remans" are not only not reused, they are disrupting the core stream of empties, so they are doing double damage. Buy from a reputable Int'l ITC member to assure that you are getting what you paid for! Avoid internet transactions. Discover the truth.

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